Parasnath Speciality Clinic

Rheumatism Treatment

Effective Rheumatism Treatment: Reclaim Your Mobility and Wellness

Our Rheumatism Treatment is designed to provide effective and lasting relief from the discomfort and pain associated with rheumatism. Discover a specialized approach that can help you regain your mobility and enjoy a life free from rheumatism-related pain.

Key Benefits

Ama (Cytokines ) is formed in the body when food is partially digested and only then if Vata is also aggravated for some reason, it spreads this ama-like poison throughout the body and this aam continues to accumulate in some parts of the body. Especially in the large joints and then in the small joints, the function of these joints is obstructed by the accumulation of aam.

Stage 1

SRDP treatment helps to eliminate this excess amount of aam from the joints by revolutionary SRDP treatment and also reduced aggravated vata which causes pain .we detox body from body

Stage 2

After the swelling subsides, treatment is given to strengthen the joints. These treatments make the joints better and the joints come under better control. Patients who successfully complete these steps have better control of their rheumatism and achieve remission in disease.

Stage 3

Suggest lifestyle and dietary modifications to avoid excess production OF AAM .and vata aggravation

Ama (Cytokines ) is formed in the body when food is partially digested and only then if Vata is also aggravated for some reason, it spreads this ama-like poison throughout the body and this aam continues to accumulate in some parts of the body. Especially in the large joints and then in the small joints, the function of these joints is obstructed by the accumulation of aam.

Stage 1

SRDP treatment helps to eliminate this excess amount of aam from the joints by revolutionary SRDP treatment and also reduced aggravated vata which causes pain .we detox body from body

Stage 2

After the swelling subsides, treatment is given to strengthen the joints. These treatments make the joints better and the joints come under better control. Patients who successfully complete these steps have better control of their rheumatism and achieve remission in disease.

Stage 3

Suggest lifestyle and dietary modifications to avoid excess production OF AAM .and vata aggravation

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